Botox benefits overactive bladders


You see, there is a benefit in everything if you just know where to look for it. Botox has never struck me as a particularly healthy way of improving your looks, rather that it preserves a fixity of expression that my mother used to warn me would happen if the wind changed and caught me – however. It now seems that if you have an overactive bladder, which is both a social nuisance and embarrassment for many women as they get older, then apparently Botox injections can help.

Previous research has shown that as many as one in six people over the age of 40 suffer from an overactive bladder so it is an important health issue that is not often talked about. UK urologists from Guy’s Hospital and King’s College London carried out a randomised, double-blind placebo trial on 34 patients with an average age of 50 and all of them had failed to tolerate or respond to the anticholinergic drugs that are usually prescribed for this condition. They then found that the subjects reported significant improvements in their lives, as well as their symptoms, for at least 24 weeks. This is a very small study; of the 34 half were given a placebo injection so we are only talking 16 people, of whom nine were women.

I am not going to detail exactly where and how the injections were given, I find it too difficult to sit still and write about, but they say it is minimally invasive and involved 20 injections of 200ml of Botox. If you want to tell your own urologist about this, it was five in the midline posterior bladder wall, five in the left lateral wall, five in the right lateral wall and five across the dome of the bladder.