How Hemp Helps Hearts

February 2, 2010


Hemp, other than its use by sailors for rope or hippies for smoking, actually does have some positive health benefits – particularly hemp hearts which are shelled hemp seeds from the soft fibre of a Cannabis plant.  Hemp seeds are high (no pun intended) in essential nutrients. For instance they contain an ideal ratio of the essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 which help to maintain a healthy heart and immune system.

Hemp has a full amino acid spectrum, meaning it provides a complete protein including the 9 essential amino acids our bodies cannot make and therefore must be obtained through the diet, these essential amino acids are required for the growth and repair of muscles, bones and skin. Two dessert spoonfuls per day of shelled organic hemp provides 49% RDA of Magnesium which we need for healthy bones and teeth and for proper muscle function and energy metabolism.

Hemp is also a good source of dietary fibre which helps to maintain healthy bowel regularity and may assist in lowering cholesterol. It is also high in Vitamin E which is a highly effective anti-oxidant and beneficial for hair, skin and nails. Hemp seed is ideal for every diet and especially appealing to athletes, vegetarians and vegans looking for alternative protein sources. Hemp is a delicious snack or also a perfect accompaniment to cereal, fruit, yogurt, soup, juice, casseroles, smoothies, stir fry or baking.

Linwoods make a very palatable organic shelled hemp mixture which you should be able to get in a good health store and by adding a couple of tablespoonfuls to your morning muesli, yoghurt or porridge you get some excellent health benefits with very little effort.


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