Take supplements? Then take action

October 8, 2009


I have mentioned before the potential disaster that could affect your ability to buy the vitamin and mineral supplements that you want for your health. There is great pressure from France and Germany to set very low levels on supplements and the UK will be forced into line if this goes through.

If you value your health, then first sign the petition at www.consumersforhealthchoice.com and then write a personal letter today to Jos Barroso, the president of the European Commission. Patrick Holford, Founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, has drafted an outline letter you can use, and feel free to adapt it to suit yourself. If you don’t register your dissatisfaction then no excuses when you have to buy vitamin C in 25mg doses – it’s the same restriction put on aspirin that you have to look forward to.

Draft letter

Jos Barroso
President of the European Commission
1049 Brussels


Dear President Barroso


Setting Maximum Levels for Vitamins & Minerals

I am most concerned about the EU proposals for dietary supplements, particularly vitamins and minerals that will be covered by the Foods Supplements Directive. My family and I are all users of dietary supplements to keep ourselves well and maintain good health; we have been watching the progress of the Food Supplements Directive with interest.

Currently we take [explain what supplements you take and why you do so - keep this list short and give examples of vitamins & minerals only]

I understand that key officials at the Health and Consumer Protection division have reached the final stages of the regulations – and that we can expect to be informed of their proposals for the setting of dose levels in a matter of weeks. We have heard conflicting stories about this – not least that the officials are under pressure from some Member State Governments, France and Germany have been mentioned, plus a number of lobbying organisations from mainland Europe to set very low, restrictive maximum dose levels.

I firmly believe that the only way forward is for decisions to be made on the basis of sound science only. It would be unthinkable to have low levels imposed – when millions of consumers like me and my family have been using the specialist higher safe doses for many years. There really is a wealth of scientific information available supporting the products as both safe and beneficial.

Like all sensible consumers, we want quality products, accurately labelled and properly certified as safe. But please don’t allow the levels to be set artificially low; please provide clear and accurate information and allow us to make own informed choices.

I appeal to you for help and a commonsense approach to this matter. Thank you.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

[insert your name and address]


At current postage rates it will cost you between 1.52 for 100g letter by airmail. That small investment in maintaining personal choice doesn’t seem too much to me.


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