Update on Maximum Calories – UK style

August 21, 2009


Well, it’s not nearly as serious as that Robbins Large Chocolate Oreo Shake at a whopping 2,600 calories but in summer apparently we tend to order iced coffee from our favourite java store and that is a problem. Just one a day can give a woman more than a quarter of her recommended 2000 calorie intake – and leaves no room at all for the odd chocolate or two. These drinks are creamy and often have syrup in them and they provide as many calories as an evening meal, except we have them as well as and not instead of.

Three chains were checked for calorie content: Starbucks, Caffe Nero and Costa Coffee. Beware: if you like a large berry mocha frappuccino with whipped cream from Starbucks you are consuming 561 calories – though you ought to get a reduction from the effort of saying that endlessly long name! If you want the caffeine without the calories then order a simple iced coffee as that is only 5 calories. Caffe Nero’s double chocolate or mocha frappe, though delicious, runs you 483 calories and you might be better heading for Costa. Personally I think they have the best blend of coffee, and their most calorie-laden drink is the massimo frescato but that is a mere (well, compared to the others) 332 calories.


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